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Leadership & Partner Organizations

Kathryn Tout
Managing Director

Mallory Warner
Deputy Managing Director

Brandy Jones Lawerence
TA Director

Anne Douglass
Research Co-Director

Rena Hallam
Research Co-Director

Katherine Paschall
Deputy Research Director

To Be Named
TA Deputy Director

Lauren Zarick
Communications Director

The National Early Care and Education (ECE) Workforce Center is a collaborative of five core partners. We are staffed by 60+ individuals across our partner organizations, representing researchers, technical assistance specialists, subject matter experts, communicators, and project managers who collectively bring decades of expertise to the National ECE Workforce Center.

Child Trends promotes the well-being of all children and youth through applied research that informs public policies and builds the evidence base for what works for children, youth, and families, particularly those overlooked or ill-served by public systems.  

CSCCE provides research and analysis on the preparation and compensation of the early care and education workforce, and their working conditions. They develop policy solutions and create spaces for teaching, learning, and educator activism. 

The Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood improves the lives of young children and their families by providing exemplary services for the early childhood community. They conduct research that helps to advance equity and promote high-quality education.  

Early Education Leaders builds a leadership development ecosystem to cultivate, sustain, and elevate early educator leadership that reflects the racial and linguistic diversity of the ECE workforce.

ZERO TO THREE translates expertise in the science of early childhood development into pioneering programs, field-leading training and resources, and responsive policy solutions. 

The National ECE Workforce Center’s nine collaborating partners provide consultation support across the center’s work.

Lea Austin,
Committee Chair

Anne Douglass, UMass Boston

Rena Hallam, University of Delaware 

Tamara Halle, Child Trends 

Brandy Jones Lawrence, NECEWC

Caitlin McLean, CSCCE 

Christina Nigrelli, ZERO TO THREE

Kathryn Tout,
Child Trends

Serving as thought partners and advisors, the Early Educator Advisory Board contributes to activities across research and technical assistance. Inaugural board members to be announced.

The Integrated Research & Policy Fellowship Program includes two policy fellows and two research fellows who will deepen their expertise about the key issues impacting the workforce and build research and policy capacity in the field. You can learn more about this program here.

Policy Fellow

Policy Analyst, Child Care and Early Education at CLASP

Policy Fellow

Lead infant/toddler educator with Oklahoma Head Start

Research Fellow

Doctoral student in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Research Fellow

Doctoral student in Human Development and Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles